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Psychic Protection Spell Jar


This jar is crafted to help shield you from psychic/mental attacks. This is something many people unfortunately suffer from, and sometimes don't know how to manage. If this is your case and you know this is happening, you may need a little more help and support. I put a little extra strength into these, as psychic attacks can be quite draining and detrimental to us. This is one I strongly recommend keeping on your person, in the thick of it: at all times. When we are both vulnerable and going through quite the rough patch - we are opened up to a plethora of negative and malicious entities/energies. If you are truly experiencing something dark, I would heavily advise seeking further safe protective action.

Ingredients include but are not limited to:

-Black Tourmaline
-Hibiscus Sabdariffa

-10mL jar (2.2"H, 0.83" base, 0.75" top/cork)
-spell jars are made to order & will differ slightly in appearance
-if you would like a much larger/potent jar, please contact me before ordering @VenusianTrinkets on Instagram

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